domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

Zorro Acquires the Ability of Levatation

Zorro Acquires the Ability of Levatation from Beth Tice on Vimeo.

Zorro falls almost to his death after being chased by the evil Zorrote but is saved by landing on a magic bag containing a creepy green plant thing. When he sniffs the creepy plant he is given the power of levatation.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

Zorro Discovers the Camera

Zorro Discovers the Camera from Beth Tice on Vimeo.

Zorro realizes that he's being watched, but he can't figure out what is watching him. He finally gets his friend named Collin to solve the problem by suffocating the "watcher" with a kitchen glove.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Zorro Defeats the Evil Pizza Cutter

Zorro Defeats the Evil Pizza Cutter from Beth Tice on Vimeo.

Another Zorro Adventure

Zorro and the Result of a Pollen-Infested Spring

Zorro and the Result of a Pollen-Infested Spring from Beth Tice on Vimeo.

A Zorro Adventure

In this episode, Zorro has severe allergies and experiences uncontrollable sneezing.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

Richmond Tournament

Miguel had a tournament in Richmond this weekend!  His team played SOOOOO hard, beating teams that were way above their level.  They play challenge level soccer which is like the intermediate levels.  They were playing against advanced teams that travel and play in tournaments all year round.  They were in first place after the first day.  But then they lost the game right before the finals that knocked them out of the competition.  The team they lost to had won the whole tournament last year and was a very good team.  Miguel's team fought hard and did their best.  It was a great tournament!  Here are some pictures from it:

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

Yesterday we went to a Memorial Day party at my mom's house!  Miguel had just played two soccer games in Richmond at a tournament, but that didn't stop him from playing and playing with all the kids there!  Here he is in the kayak, playing with Marshall and Daniel.
This is him clearly concerned after hearing the alligator that DOESN'T live in the lake. 
Peter came too, which made me and Miguel really happy!
Kathryn went fishing and caught the smallest fish EVER.  I honestly don't know how she did that.  Es asombroso.  Debe ganar un premio o algo.
Here's another fish that she caught.  Un poco mas grande than the other one.  
Here's Miguel pescando.  He's a pro de verdad.
Here's yo, mi sobrina Payton, y mi hermanigo Miguel! 
Y Kathryn's perro Georgia who desperately wants to catch a chicken.  She doesn't understand why she's not allowed to.
Payton and I also wanted to catch a pollo, but they were a little suspicious of our intentions.
Georgia almost caught uno.  Or so she thinks.  

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

My new haircut

I got my hair cut tonight and I got highlights in it.  I like it a lot, but I wanted it to be green instead.  I was told that blond highlights were better than green however, so I went with blond. Maybe another day I'll get green.

Golden Apple Award

Last Monday I won the Golden Apple Award for my school!  I went to the ceremony with Zorro and he went up front with me to receive the award.  The announcer even said Zorro's name for everyone to know who he was!  The newspaper reporter came over to take a special picture of him and ask details about him.  I thought he was going to end up in the newspaper and be really famous, but the next day he wasn't in there.  Oh well...he's still famous!

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

catch up from the past month

so it's been a really long time since i've updated my's been crazy! first of all we only have 19 days of school left. i'm getting a new student on monday. he's from mexico and speaks spanish so i'm really excited! i'm going to be teaching 3rd grade next year and i'm going to get my same class again so i'm excited about that too. i went to visit my mom last weekend because i needed all of my pictures of my friends ben and zach who are graduating from monticello high school this year. i'm making a graduation present for them from all the pictures i have! when i left my mom's i got about 5 miles down the road and then i started to hear a buzz. a bee was in my car! it lived in my car for 3 days before disappearing again. last night i had a dream about a bee too. bees are haunting me! ok that's pretty much it right now. happy mother's day to all the moms out there!