lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008

Old Cairo

Today we went to Old Cairo and saw the oldest churches in Egypt.  They were built back in the 4th and 5th centuries!  They were UNBELIEVABLE!  We walked along the old roads which are more like narrow little alleys where Jesus once walked.  It's hard to believe that Jesus walked there!  Here's one of the alleys:

This is the name of Jesus written in Arabic inside the Jesus fish in one church!
A stained glass window with the cross:
This is inside the church:
This is the word for God in Arabic:
Outside there were all these mosaics depicting scenes from the bible.  Here's me next to one:
Here's Joseph and Mary taking baby Jesus to Egypt after the angel appeared and told them to flee to Egypt to escape King Herod's murderous wrath.
Here's the angel appearing:
This is from the story of Joseph when he was pushed down into the well.  
This was the entrance to the gate of the church.  In Arabic, above the door it says, "Seek and you will find, ask and you shall receive, knock and you will enter."  

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