domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2007

Weekend of Soccer: 1st Stop UVA

My weekend of soccer began with UVA's first home game on Friday night against Columbia. UVA won 5-0, despite the fact that Columbia was doing everything they possibly could to take out UVA's players. Talk about playing dirty... They were doing slide tackles all over the field, but right into UVA's ankles and knees. By the end of the game 6 different UVA players were injured!
It rained for the whole first half also, which did not help the players' ability to stay on their feet. The whole game was basically a game of falling and sliding! UVA played really well though and it was a great first game of the season. I'm going to see their game against Richmond tonight at 5:00!

1 comentario:

Hennyfair dijo...

There was soccer on one of the Spanish stations yesterday. I paused and tried to watch a bit. I couldn't stick with it though. I did think of you however and wanted to tell you such. :p