domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007


Look everybody! Here's my new baby! I just got him today! Anybody who's talked to me in the past month knows I've been desperately wanting a pet. I've almost bought a corn snake once, a cat three times, and the pet store was out of fire belly newts, which I really wanted. So instead I decided to get a new little furry friend! He looks kinda like Mouse King, but he's lighter colored, sort of pumpkin spice color. He's really friendly! He won't crawl into my hand yet, but he lets me pet him already and it took Mouse King like two months before he would let me pet him. He's very curious and wants to explore everything. He's been spinning in his wheel for the past couple of hours! He's really small so I think he's just a baby and he'll probably get a lot bigger in the next few weeks.

Anyway, he doesn't have a name yet so if any of you have ideas for a name for him, post a comment! The winner will earn endless fame among 18 seven-year-olds and recognition on a future post of this blog! How can you pass that up?

4 comentarios:

Jonathan dijo...


Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo... that little one is cutie! definitely looks young.

the only names that popped into my head were swedish names that i think are funny. Hampus or Pontus. seriously, there are boys here named Hampus and Pontus.

but, he doesn't exactly look like a Swedish critter.

. dijo...


Hennyfair dijo...

I like Pumpkin Spice as his name. :)
Man, only I'd name a mouse that!
Ummm...sorry, I'm not good at the name game!