jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

Lunar Eclipse

YAY FOR FLORIDA! I'm in Florida right now, hanging out with my grandparents! It's typical winter right now, 70-80 degrees and sunny! How awesome is that! Last night I was talking to Kathryn and she was like, "GO LOOK AT THE LUNAR ECLIPSE!! IT'S SO RED!" So I went out to take a picture of it and...well...it wasn't red. Big? Yes. Beautiful? Of course. Bright? Absolutely. Red? No way. Kathryn didn't believe me, so I took pictures of it with my telephoto lens and Grandpa's tripod to prove it. Here are the pictures from last night! Definitely not red.

3 comentarios:

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...

Ooooooohhh! FLORIDA!

I would give my right arm, left hand, and third toe on my right foot to be in Florida right now! How lovely!

Say hi to your grandparents for me! And have a great time!

Hennyfair dijo...

I'm so sad. It was rainy, cloudy, and majorly overcast last night so I didn't get to see it. boo-hoo

. dijo...

It WAS RED. Look at my blog picture of it. Well, its kind of a crazy picture, I got bored holding the camera still, but you can still see that it was red!!!
