martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

Storm Chasers

So when we went to the beach this summer, my sister and I noticed a significant change in our mother. She has become obsessed with storms. If the sky even turns a slightly darker shade of blue, she freaks. So every night when there was a chance of thunderstorms, it was like listening to a walking version of the Weather Channel's storm chasers. On the way to Cold Stone one evening, Kathryn and I found ourselves heading right into a terrible storm. A storm so terrible, we couldn't help but be worried. My mother's newfound fear of thunderstorms was rubbing off on us. Kathryn pulled out the video camera to track our progress in the event of sudden death, so that the rest of the world would know what happened to us. In the process, we also realized that we forgot the directions to Cold Stone. We did, however, have access to a little Enrique Iglesias. And that helped us to make it through.

Here's the video FINALLY! It took me a while...I hope it works somewhat smoothly. It was having issues loading.

1 comentario:

. dijo...

haha i can't wait! :)
