jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

Finally he gets to be the ball boy!

Miguel's latest dream came true at the UVA Men's soccer game! He finally got to be the ball boy at the game! He has wanted to be a ball boy for a year now. He's asked me and asked me to be a ball boy. Within minutes of entering the stadium to see DC United a couple weeks ago, he pointed at the ball boys and said, "Miss Tice, how do you get to be one of those? I really want to be one of those!" Then at the UVA soccer game a week later, he pointed immediately at the ball boys and asked the question again. So I realized he was serious about this and through a crazy series of events, including just happening to meet someone who is good friends with the man who organizes all the ball boys at the UVA games, it all worked out! Gotta love God at work! So the end result was that the man called us the next day and said that he had an opening at the men's game. Miguel was so excited, he couldn't go to sleep until almost 2 AM.

At the game, he was so happy to be on the big field, watching the game up close. He even turned to me towards the end of the game, when the opposing team was doing a free kick, and shouted out, "Miss Tice! He's going to kick towards the corner!" And then he did. Then there was another free kick and he, again, announced exactly where the ball was going to go. At the end of the game I asked him how he knew where the ball was going to go all the time and he said, "Because the players do a sign before they kick. They put one arm over top of the other arm and one fist is closed. Whichever fist is closed, that's the direction they're going to kick." I asked him how he knew that and he said he had been watching them the whole game and noticed that just before they kick, they do that motion and then the ball always goes in the direction of where their fist was. He said he had started shouting it out to tell the UVA players where the opposing team was going to kick the ball! Smart kid!

After the game, Miguel met all of the players and got them to sign autographs on his poster! Above is a picture of Miguel with Jeremy Barlow, one of the best UVA players. Collin and Marryn came to the game too and they each got an autographed poster!

1 comentario:

. dijo...

Look at how cute that is! three little kiddos in their little orange shirts at the soccer game! Reminds me of us at the soccer and basketball games!