viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008

Zorro Meets an African Queen

So Zorro had another dream come true today. He has had three so far in his life: 1. to be kissed by a princess, 2. to meet an African Queen, and 3. to ride on a Sphinx. Last spring, he was kissed by Cinderella. And just tonight he MET AN AFRICAN QUEEN - a beautiful African queen named Esther.
Zorro liked his African Queen so much he wanted to wear her socks on his snout! They were very comfortable and he loved the bright colors! He gave Esther many kisses!

1 comentario:

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...

Well, I don't know if it was Zorro who gave Esther kisses, or Esther who gave Zorro kisses. In fact, I think SHE initiated the kissing (though sometimes the kissing turned into tasting his snout - we are working on that).

She was quite enamored with the little fox, though it is true that the red balloon and Baby Goldfish were major competition.

I am glad Esther helped a Zorro-dream come true! You know, anyone who has been kissed by an African Queen has blessings beyond measure for the remainder of their days!