jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

Labor Day Party!

My mom and Mike had a Labor Day party back on Labor Day. Here's Miguel jumping off of a floating dock that Mike built! He put it out in the middle of the lake and it totally works! It supports Miguel, Peter, my sister, AND Georgia the dog too! It's great! I can't believe Mike actually built it.
The Adams' came to play too and Collin practiced his breakdancing moves. He's gotten really good!
Here's my little nephew, Leland! He's one year old now and he can walk!

Here's Miguel and Leland. Leland loved hanging out with Miguel, Marryn, and Collin. He laughed and laughed when they played with him and gave him balls to throw!

Here's me and all the kiddos lined up on the fence!

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