martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

School Pictures day!

So tomorrow is School Pictures Day. For the kids it means dressing in the finest fall fashions and smiling pretty for the pictures that will be sent to Grandma and Grandpa. For the teachers, it means the picture that will be put on our annual ID badge that must be worn all day long, every day for all the world to see. I've decided that I want my ID card to be a picture with spiky hair. I hope that won't be a problem. Miguel and I practiced tonight to prepare. I wonder if there is some rule about teachers having spiky hair at school. Is that really a bad thing?

2 comentarios:

. dijo...

spiky spiky pine cone to go with a spiky spiky hair do?

Beth dijo...

yeah i put zorro on my shoulder for the picture. i should have put a spiky spiky pinecone too!