domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008


So Miguel woke up this morning, came out of his bedroom with a huge smile on his face, and announced, "IT'S SUNNY!!!!" and then took off running outside to get a basketball! The sun's out, Miguel's awake, it's time to play...

2 comentarios:

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...


I am SO SO SO glad that you guys got good weather while you were there!

What a relief!

We had three GREAT days and then Fri and Saturday weren't so good since both my dad and then Esther got sick...poor little Esther Lou. She has a high fever, most likely from her front tooth coming in, but who knows.

So, we ended up leaving on Saturday morning, which stinks since we didn't get to meet up with you guys...

But I expect some more great pictures!

Be sure to try to watch the sunrise sometime!

Beth dijo...

I think that in order to see the sunrise, you have to go to sleep before 2:00. Maybe we can see the sunrise at noon. :)