jueves, 3 de enero de 2008


Here's my little gatito playing with his beloved pet snake. He is obsessed with that thing, which I found in a dusty old box. I don't know where it came from. I'd never seen it before and I was just going to throw it away when I noticed Calabaza was eyeing it with an intense look of desire. Ever since, he plays with the snake CONSTANTLY, throws it down the steps and then chases after it, pushes it under the refrigerator, etc. He's pretty funny to watch!

4 comentarios:

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...

hee hee...

i think he walks funny.

Beth dijo...

hahahahaha I know! he totally walks funny! his back legs always do this weird thing! my sister and I laugh at him all the time when he's walking!

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...

i figured it out!

calabaza's back legs remind me of mooses' back legs when they walk!

you and that cat were meant for each other all along!

Beth dijo...

hahahahahaha!!!! a moose!!! i always thought calabaza is part-dog but maybe he's really part-moose!