martes, 8 de abril de 2008

So how often have YOU been splashed by an 8,000 pound killer whale?

We went to Sea World yesterday and had a GREAT time! It was definitely way more crowded, but it wasn't terrible. The kids loved touching the dolphins and feeding them!

We saw the Shamu show and watched the killer whales jump and splash!

We saw penguins and dolphins!

We touched stingrays!

Here are the kids waiting for the sea lion show to start!

This was the best! The Shamu show was the last show we saw and we told the kids that they could get splashed if they wanted to. So Jeff and Mary Adams stayed up in the dry zone with all the cameras and equipment and I went with Collin, Marryn, and Brian to the "SOAK ZONE"! And let me tell ya...if you've never gotten a wall of water thrown at you by an 8,000 pound killer whale, you haven't experienced life! It was AWESOME! The kids loved it and they just laughed and laughed and laughed! We got video of the whole thing too and it's hilarious! Here are two pictures, DURING the splash and AFTER the splash!

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...
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. dijo...

thats so cool! :) I am glad yall had fun! And the dolphin pictures turned out pretty well!

Um....I see no sting rays. I am submitting my official complaint right now.

Yey for whales and dolphins (technically the killer whale IS a dolphin too though)


Anónimo dijo...

wow, way cool!

Sea World is like N's favorite place on earth. He longs to go there again! Especially once our kiddo is old enough to appreciate it, like the kiddos you are with! Great pics!

Diane dijo...

HI! Sounds like you had a GREAT time in Florida!!

I'm heading to Tulsa next Sat. for the week.

Still a little snow around here!


Diane dijo...

ummm oh yeah... did you REALLY touch the sting rays? Did you tell the kiddos about being splashed around a whole BUNCH of sting rays???????????? ;~)

Jonathan dijo...

i envy u!!!!!!!