martes, 29 de abril de 2008



Oh you just have no idea how happy I am!

And the crazy thing is that I just got back from Barnes and Noble where I bought one of Zorro's friends, a raccoon named Mapache (pronounced Mah-pah-chay), to make the kids feel better while Zorro was missing. When I got home, I put Mapache next to my keys, ready to go to school tomorrow morning. Then I went upstairs sadly, wishing Zorro would just come back. Right before I was about to get in bed, I thought, "Have I looked behind my desk?" Yesterday I looked under every cabinet, bookshelf, sofa, even behind the refrigerator. But I hadn't looked behind my desk. So I did and HE WAS THERE!!! I shouted out (scared the cat), "ZORRO!!! THERE YOU ARE!!! WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" He was looking very sad and scruffy cuz he's been gone for so long. BUT I FOUND HIM! Ahhhhhh, a sigh of relief. Zorro is back.

And on another note, I just learned how to solve a Rubik's cube. No matter how messed up it is, I can solve it! It still takes me a while though. My 9-year-old friend, Collin, can solve it 3 times in the amount of time it takes me to solve it once. I've gotten it down to about 5 minutes now, I think. So that's my latest obsession. I carry one with me everywhere and obsessively mess it up and then put it back together again.

Zorro and a Rubik's cube. Life is good again.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...



Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...

Hurrah! What a thrill of relief! And now Zorro even has a buddy! (or have you taken that one back?)

I know a girl who can do one of those cubes in 15 seconds no matter what! And now she is training to be able to do it blindfolded (I mean, of course, that she looks at it for a moment first and then puts on the blindfold to solve it).

ZORRO, ZORRO YOU'RE OUR FOX, NOW THAT YOU'RE BACK I CAN REMOVE MY SOCKS! (not really. i have changed socks since he went missing)

Beth dijo...

that's insane about that rubik's cube girl! i'll have to tell collin about her! i've heard that people can do it blindfolded, but i don't understand how they do it. that's crazy.

zorro still has his buddy mapache. i didn't have the heart to take him back. it would have hurt his feelings cuz he was so happy to have a family finally.

Hennyfair dijo...

I'm so relieved that Zorro has returned.

I am not so happy, however, the the Rubik's Cube craze has returned to popular culture. My little GT kids have one with them all the time trying to, no doubt, reach record speeds like y'all are talking about it.