domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

Awesome day

Who cares if there's a 90% chance of rain, 40 mph winds, and 60 degree temperatures? Clearly not us. It didn't really rain that much anyway and the wind wasn't that bad and it felt a lot warmer than 60 degrees. We didn't let that stop us. We went swimming for about 3 hours - in the ocean, in the pool, and in the hot tub.
Ivan and Miguel kicked the soccer ball into the ocean and Ivan did a bunch of dominadas...until we lost the ball. The ocean ate it.

Miguel tried digging a hole but we didn't have a shovel. Tomorrow we're bringing a shovel with us to the beach.
Here's Ivan trying to keep his shoes dry. That didn't work so well.

Here's Miguel running away from the waves. He loved, and I mean LOVED seeing the ocean for the first time. He couldn't get enough of the waves and the sand and running in and out of the water.

We all loved the hot tub!

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