lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

Miguel Futbol and Spanish Class

Here's a short video of Miguel playing soccer, passing, and making goals! Tonight at my Spanish class, we had a test and I got 100 on it! I even got to class 10 minutes late because Ivan, Miguel, and I were stuck in traffic after buying $5 polo shirts at the mall (very important task that could not wait even one more day). I was so happy that I got a 100 on my test and a 98 on my quiz from last week, until I realized that we had presentations due today. We had to write a script with our group and then perform the script. My group finished last Wednesday, but the script was in my totally cool dragon notebook and I have no idea where my totally cool dragon notebook is. And the presentation is worth a quiz grade. Fortunately I know what we wrote, so I said, "Don't worry guys! Just give me 5 minutes!" I frantically wrote down the script as fast as I could and when our teacher called on us, I had barely finished in time. Everybody thought our script was funny because it was about this girl who falls in a hole and then her boyfriend jumps down there to save her and then an evil chicken comes and everyone is screaming and then they all die. It was all good. Anyway enjoy this video of Super Soccer Miguel!

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