martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

news of the day

Interesting news of the day:

1. We found this furry little bat sleeping on the side of the school today. His name is George. We don't really know why he was out there on the wall instead of sleeping with all of his friends in the dark, but we're going to look for him tomorrow and see if he's still there.
2. I practice juggling a soccer ball every day at recess because I really want to be able to do like 100 dominadas (the word in spanish for the kicks you do with the soccer ball when you juggle). So a month ago the most I could do was like 15 and then my record was 18, then 20, then 25, and so on. Two weeks ago I got to 33 but I haven't been able to get past 33 since then... UNTIL TODAY! Today I did 42 dominadas!!! I was so happpy!

3. Zorro likes dressing up, but he's lost all of his feathers now. He had two beautiful feathers on his ears, a pink one and a blue one. But they both fell off. Too sad. He looks really beautiful though.

4. I got a 98 on my Spanish test.

1 comentario:

. dijo...

Did you ask George why he was sleeping there? he's pretty cute for a bat.

Zorro looks great!
Congrats on the dominadas and your test!!! :)