jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

Christmas info

I received this as an email from my cousin and thought it was funny and cool, so I'm sharing my Christmas information with everyone! Change the answers if you want and tell me YOUR Christmas info:

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I like to give presents in gift bags because wrapping presents drives me absolutely insane, but I like receiving presents with wrapping paper because it takes longer to open them.

2. Real tree or Artificial? Articficial - it lasts longer and you can leave it up ALL YEAR

4. When do you take the tree down? um who said anything about taking the tree down? I don't ever take my tree down. It makes it much easier the next year to decorate for Christmas if you just leave everything up.

5. Do you like eggnog? NO NOT AT ALL, but Chic Fil A's new peppermint chocolate chip milkshake ROCKS!!!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? geez, I don't know...maybe my first digital camera from my dad, or pirate Legos from my grandparents, or my bike, or my basketball goal, or the Lego house from my mom, or baseball cards, I liked all of my gifts. I know what gift I have asked for EVERY CHRISTMAS AND BIRTHDAY SINCE I WAS 6 YEARS OLD and I have still never gotten it...the Lego monorail.

7. Hardest person to buy for? My stepdad, Mike

8. Easiest person to buy for? Mom

9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes, a really big one that has cool decorations and details and a sheep. I have a Playmobil one too but that one's to play with

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail, definitely mail them. And I especially like ones with photos!

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I never receive any bad gifts. I love everything!

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I'll Be Home For Christmas! I think that movie is hilarious.

13. When do you start shopping? I'm almost done already!

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? only to give something to a kid who sees it and wants it

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? COOKIES!!!!!

16. Lights on the tree? Yes - white

17. Favorite Christmas song? O Come Let Us Adore Him or The First Noel or I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day or maybe all of them.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? home then um...on a plane to Egypt at noon on Christmas Day

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes - dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet, cupid, donner, blitzen and Rudolph ;)

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? a moose I believe, big surprise

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Usually Christmas morning at home, but this year I don't know since I'm going to Egypt on Christmas Day...maybe we'll open them on Christmas Eve. That will be weird.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Seeing so many kids and families forget what Christmas is really about and just talk about everything they want to get from Santa.

23. Favorite ornament theme or color? all of my moose ones! All of my tree has moose ornaments on it!

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? chicken, turkey, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, green beans, stuffing, cranberry sauce...lots of cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, cookies, mmmmm I'm so hungry now

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? if you really must know, I would like my garbage disposal to be installed, a new light for the dining room because the yellowish one in there is so very ugly, and a new hot water heater. I would also like the money to pay to get someone to come check out the heating/cooling central air system in my house since it doesn't work right and I haven't used the heat or air conditioning in my house in two years. Beyond that, I want Ivan and Miguel to be able to have every dream realized, and have lives of trust, respect, and love for our God, family, and friends.

Oh and I do realize that number 3 is missing, but I didn't feel like going through and changing all the colors...

1 comentario:

. dijo...

Technically you know, you could leave a "real" tree up all year. Although I wouldn't recommend it.