viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

Ivan's first A!!!

PRAISE GOD!!!  Ivan and I have been studying for his history test for over two weeks because the kid DESPERATELY wants an A or a B.  He usually gets C's but it's just because he's still learning English and all the instruction and assessments are in English.  So we decided to make this semester different and study a little bit every day.  We've held to that plan every day since school started again and Ivan had his first test since Christmas today.  On Friday they had a review day at school and he was so excited after school because he told me that he knew all the answers for the first time ever!  He said he was so proud that he knew the answers and he was helping the other kids in the class.  There's a new girl in his class who just moved here from Mexico and she doesn't speak any English so he said that he translates for her now.  He said that since we go over all the information every night, he understands it more the next day when the teacher is talking, so he's able to translate it for the new girl.

So today was the test and I was praying about it all day!  After school I said, "Soooo?"  and he tried to keep it a secret for a while and finally it came out with a huge smile and exclamation, "I GOT AN A!!!!!"  He showed me his test and he only missed two things!  He got his very first A!!!  He was so happy and we showed it to his mom and she was so proud of him too!  It was totally cool watching him get his confidence back and realize that not only can he learn this information but he can also help other kids learn it too!  God is so awesome!

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