I miss you!!!
This beautiful lion is dedicated to Katie because I miss her ever so much!!! And I miss Niklas and Jenny too! Was it just one year ago that we spent New Year's Eve ordering delicious desserts from Chili's? I had my molten chocolate lava cake (which I highly recommend by the way) and Katie, Niklas, and Jenny helped me with my frustration over financial issues! I never thought then that I would have paid my whole credit card off a year later! I think this is the first year ever that I haven't seen Katie at Christmas and I'm so very sad about that. :( I hope I can see all of you guys soon!
3 comentarios:
That *is* an oh-so beautiful lion.
Thanks Beth!
Yes, we were also reminiscing about one year ago, when we had such a lovely time at Chili's (and then such a lovely time at Red Lobster in Staunton, of all places). We are going to miss being at an American restaurant for New Year's Eve (although we are going to be eating some great food and desserts at Patrick and Malin's this year - he is a chef, after all).
It is so amazing that you paid off everything in less than one year! Go God! 2007 is soon OVER!
I wonder what 2008 will bring?! Hopefully a little LL SOOOOOOOOOOOOON so that we can come to the US for those 3 months SOOOOOOOOON and see Bethie!
Man, that was just a year ago! It's hard to believe! So much happened in 2007 but I'm convinced much more will happen in 2008. I am praying that many AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, CATALYTIC, DELIGHTFUL, EXCELLENT, FANTASTIC, GLORIOUS, HAPPY, INDESCRIBABLE, JOYFUL, KINETIC, LUMINESCENT, MAGNIFICENT, NEATO, OUTRAGEOUS, POWERFUL, QUINTESSENTIAL, RADICAL, SATISFYING, TERRIFIC, UNBELIEVABLE, VIVACIOUS, WONDERFUL, X-HILARATING, ZEAL-FUL things will come your way this year!
Dude did you read a thesaurus before writing that??? Thanks for the wishes Katie and Jenny!
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