viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2007

More awesomeness from Jesus!!!

Okay wow. So here's part 2 of the Miguel story, along with pictures of him being dressed up as a Christmas tree from the youth group Christmas party!
So on Monday, I told one other teacher about what happened last weekend and within 48 hours, the story had spread all over the school. The awesome thing was that everyone seemed to understand that I'm not the person who deserves the praise and glory. It's all Jesus. All week people were coming to me, telling me how it moved them to start believing again - that their faith had been renewed and they wanted to help in any way
they could. So over the past 5 days, people have given me 5 huge boxes of food for Miguel's family, 3 bags of ornaments and lights for their tree, blankets, curtains, clothes, $50 gift cards to Old Navy and Barnes and Noble, 5 kids DVDs with Spanish language tracks, 6 books in Spanish, and almost enough money to buy Miguel the skateboard that he wants! The kids in my class have been talking about it all week too! One little boy who also has a rough home life came up to me and said, "Miss Tice, my mom and dad said that they don't have any money to buy presents this year. Do you think if I ask God for a present, will he hear me?"

4 different people have said that because of this week, it's the best Christmas they've ever had. How awesome is that? It absolutely leaves me in awe of Jesus, wondering how one simple thing like answering a prayer for a Christmas tree could spread to that many people and influence their hearts, beliefs, and actions. What a beautiful savior we have!
There's even more that's happened this week besides me and Malena becoming a prayer team, and me getting guidance and leadership from her...taking Miguel snowboarding on Wednesday...more prayer requests being answered by God! Unbelievable. ANDDDD...I memorized my first verse in Spanish this week! Well I already knew "porque para Dios no hay nada imposible" but that one's so short, it doesn't seem like it should count! Here's the one I know now by heart: Psalm 70:5
"Yo soy pobre y estoy necesitado.
Ven pronto a mi, oh Dios.
Tu eres mi socorro y mi libertador.
Ino te demores, Senor." Salmo 70:5
I hope you guys have had as great a week as me!!!!!

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