The coolest thing was when later there were 2 kids that weren't finished completing a world map at their desks. They were kids that still didn't know the continents very well. So my student teacher sat with them out in the hall to help them. She asked one, "Okay do you know where Europe is?" And he said, "Europe...OH!! That's where all the castles are! Europe's right here!" And then the other one had to find Australia and he said, "Oh yeah! That's where that little furry guy swims with the flat nose... I can't remember what he's called! It's right here!" When she told me about that, I was like, "YES!" It totally worked!
And then something funny happened tonight at my Spanish class I'm taking at PVCC. We had to find somebody in the room and ask them how many continents are in the world in Spanish. So the guy I asked said, "um...5? no wait - 6! England a continent? What about Europe?" I started laughing uncontrollably and said, "SERIOUSLY??? You really don't know how many continents there are????" He thought it was quite funny too.
Oh yeah and one more thing. My kids are convinced there are coyotes outside at recess. Every day they stand at the edge of the field, peering through the fence, desperate to catch a glimpse of the coyotes they "hear" running in the woods. They're so weird.
6 comentarios:
I am rejoicing with you over an ingenious, engaging, and successful lesson! There are few things greater than such to a teacher!
In Sweden it is "common knowledge" that there are EIGHT continents because somehow they count them differently.
So they all think I am a nutcase when I claim otherwise.
So what is the 8th?
Yeah what is the 8th???? How can you count 7 as 8?
I sm living in Europe, in a castle.
I think Katie had it wrong, it's six not eight.
I don't now if it's diffrent oppeniens about this, but i learned in school there are six. Some migt think that Arktis and Antarktisk, North and south pool also counts. I don't now.
I have also heard that some contrys in south amerika don't have the feeling that they belong to South America as we in Sweden have a strong conection to the europen contris. Like in Brasil for an exempele, the don't see them selfs as South americans, only brasilens.
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