So to all of you soccer fans out there (a.k.a. Niklas and Katie), I am really sorry to say this, but I'm just not really in to soccer. Or at least I wasn't until about a week ago. Now, however, it's a completely different story. I started reading about Beckham last week and that got me interested. Then on Friday night I had a creepy dream. Keep in mind that as of a week ago, I could not even name one major league soccer team in America. Sad, I know, but true. So Friday night I had this dream that DC United was playing LA Galaxy on August 9th at 7:00 PM. I woke up thinking, "Okay that was weird..." and then the thought crossed my mind to check the DC United schedule. So I did and I'm sure you can figure out the rest. DC United does, in fact, have a game against LA Galaxy at 7 PM on August 9th. So now I'm trying to get tickets to it.

Meanwhile the local soccer organization, SOCA, is hosting their annual World Cup Soccer Camp this week. I signed up three of my kids to do it. The kids are so excited because they LOVE soccer. Two of them have never played organized soccer ever. We signed them up to play in the fall too. So each night I pick the kids up and take them to camp. The kids absolutely love every minute of it! Watching the kids play makes me want to play! So now I'm going soccer crazy!
2 comentarios:
We can start a team Beth!
yeah lets do it!
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