Guess what my sister did! She was inducted into the National Leadership Honor Society on Sunday! According to President Eisenhower, this is one of the most prestigious honors in a collegiate career. My mom and I flew down this weekend to see her induction! So yesterday we started the day off going to her church. She goes to First Baptist Church and they have a great band! We sang Glorious One and All Because of Jesus by Steve Fee!

After church we went to Kathryn's induction! Her mentor, Dr. McMillan came too. Here's a picture of my sister, my mom, and Dr. M. with Kathryn's certificate. We were all so proud of her!

Then as she was mingling, I got bored with idle small talk so I started looking for cool things to take a pictures. This was a neat looking staircase I found.
In the afternoon, Kathryn taught Mom how to knit. Kathryn knits scarfs but she didn't know how to end the scarfs until y

esterday. She finally figured out how to do it so she ended like 3 scarfs yesterday and started a new one. So now I'm surrounded by these crazy knitting people.
Oh and just for the record, scarfs sounds way better than scarves.
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