lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007

National Leadership Honor Society!

Guess what my sister did! She was inducted into the National Leadership Honor Society on Sunday! According to President Eisenhower, this is one of the most prestigious honors in a collegiate career. My mom and I flew down this weekend to see her induction! So yesterday we started the day off going to her church. She goes to First Baptist Church and they have a great band! We sang Glorious One and All Because of Jesus by Steve Fee!

After church we went to Kathryn's induction! Her mentor, Dr. McMillan came too. Here's a picture of my sister, my mom, and Dr. M. with Kathryn's certificate. We were all so proud of her!

Then as she was mingling, I got bored with idle small talk so I started looking for cool things to take a pictures. This was a neat looking staircase I found.

In the afternoon, Kathryn taught Mom how to knit. Kathryn knits scarfs but she didn't know how to end the scarfs until yesterday. She finally figured out how to do it so she ended like 3 scarfs yesterday and started a new one. So now I'm surrounded by these crazy knitting people.

Oh and just for the record, scarfs sounds way better than scarves.

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