lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

Amazing Language Acquisition

I cannot believe how good Miguel has gotten at English! It's absolutely amazing to listen to him talk. He uses better vocabulary than most 6th graders who have spoken English their whole lives! Here are some of his famous quotes that prove his good grasp on the language:

-"Sharks eat surfers because they look like seals from underneath. The sharks think they're edible."

-"All of your moves are calculated."

-"I was trying to sleep, but my sister wasn't being very supportive."

-"He got us without our defenses."

-"The maximum number of lanes in Mexico is 4."

Not bad, considering 5 months ago he could barely put together a sentence in English! Kids are amazing! If only my Spanish was coming along that fast!

2 comentarios:

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...

Wow, that is TOTALLY amazing!
Those are really some big complicated words!

Although I do think a big part of it is his friend Beth who is the World's Most Excellent Teacher in All of the History of Mankind.

Go Miguel!

Beth dijo... might think that his grasp of english is due to me...except for one small detail. i only speak spanish to him. so he doesn't hear any of those words from me! if you ask him where he learned "that word", he says, "from Animal Planet".