domingo, 20 de julio de 2008

My First Skateboard

A cool thing happened last night at the skatepark! There was this little kid there, maybe 8 or 9 years old, skating and I recognized his board one time when he fell down. I asked to see his board and he showed it to me. Sure enough, it was what I thought it was - my first skateboard! I don't mean it was like the board I had. I mean it WAS the board I had. The wheels and everything were the same. I asked him where he got the board from and he said another kid gave it to him. I didn't tell him it was my board, but I just asked if I could take a picture of it.

See, a year and a half ago I gave that board to a kid at the skatepark whose board had been stolen. This kid came to the skatepark every day and he and I talked a lot. It was Christmas time and he said the only thing he wanted for Christmas was a skateboard. I talked to his mom and she said that she knew he wanted a skateboard but they just couldn't afford it. So I told him he could use my board until I saw him again. He asked, "What if I never see you again?" And I said, "Then you can just keep it." I've thought about that board a lot because it was my first one and I loved it! I think it's so cool that that kid gave the board away to another kid who needed one. I never thought I'd see it again and it's so nice to see it's still going strong! Here's a picture of my board and its new owner doing a manual across one of the ramps!
Meanwhile, my class gave me a gift certificate to Freestyle at the end of the school year, so I used it to get a new skateboard! Here's a picture of it:
Here's a picture of me learning how to do an Indy grab off one of the ramps. I'm using my new board!

2 comentarios:

Hennyfair dijo...

What a neat story! Very cool!

. dijo...

cool board!

I still think my version of the story is better. HAHA!!
