sábado, 19 de mayo de 2007

Awesome Praise!

I have an awesome praise this week! This kid in my class who has been below grade level in reading since he started school in kindergarten has shown so much improvement this year! He has worked SO hard, trying to catch up. Finally for the first time ever, I can mark him "on-grade-level" because he just read the FOURTH GRADE passage on the reading assessment and totally nailed it! He breezed through the second grade one and rocked the third grade, which is enough to be considered on grade level. But I gave him the fourth grade passage just because I was curious and he passed that one too! Praise God for helping this beautiful little boy to be achieving at a level where he will be successful!


1 comentario:

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...

AMEN to that!

Go God!