miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2007

Nic at Night

So at recess today, I saw one of my kids from last year (he's in third grade this year, obviously). Ben was really excited when he came running up and he told me he was acting in a play at church tonight and he asked if I could come. Of course I said yes, and I asked him what the play was about.

He said, "Well, I'm a pharisee and I even have lines!"

I said, "Ben, that's awesome!"

He said, "No, not really."

I said, "Why isn't that good?"

He said, "Because the pharisees didn't believe in Jesus. They didn't get it. But don't worry! I believe in the end of the play!"

The play was hilarious and it was about the story of Jesus and Nicodemus. It was called Nic at Night. There was this little girl with the "add more sound to the songs" group that was the loudest, most animated singer I've ever seen! She was so funny, just singing out the words to every song with the loudest voice possible (much louder than you would imagine from such a tiny body).

After the play, Ben and I went skateboarding at the skatepark and then I took him home. His sisters, Miranda and Kate, were there and we sat on the hood of my car talking about Jesus and heaven until 9:30. It was so cool talking to them about it and listening to the questions they have. I think a lot of times we assume kids understand things that we say, even simple things like "there's no evil in heaven", when really even that leaves them with a ton of questions. They are such neat kids, struggling, yet wanting desperately to understand.

1 comentario:

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...


(you talking about Jesus with the kids on the hood of your car) sounds like one of those times in your life when you know there's no other place more "right" than that place at that time!