See that rockin flag cake right there? Yeah it tasted as delicious as it looks. Kathryn made it for our 4th of July cookout we had at my mom's house. Kathryn, Peter, and I spent most of the time down at the big pond, swimming and canoeing. Chaos came with us too and he had the best time swimming across it, since he just rec

ently realized he could swim! He wanted to be right where we were the whole time so he'd swim right out to the middle of the pond to hang out with us. I was worried that he didn't have the stamina to make it all the way there and back cuz the pond is really big (more like a small lake), but it ended up not being a problem at all. There's an island in the middle of the pond that he liked to swim to.

Peter and I put Baxter the basset hound and Chaos in the canoe with us and took them for a ride. They weren't sure about it at first, but then they decided they really liked it because EVERY time somebody would go out in the canoe, one of them wanted to get in too!

This is my favorite picture because it's so symmetrical. Even the dogs' heads sticking out of the sides of the canoe! And Kathryn just looks so funny hanging on the nose of the canoe with her feet sticking up.

The dogs appeared to like it so much, we decided to stick them in the canoe by themselves. They weren't so sure how to use the oars though, what with the lack of opposable thumbs and all. It's a big problem.

A bunch of other people who came to the cookout came down to canoe with us too! Once Kathryn and I were riding with Lane, a really smart third grader. In his brilliance, he decided it would be a great idea to see if he could flip the canoe over. Fortunately Kathryn and I had cat-like reflexes and we were able to counter balance the canoe, but he came close!
The food was delicious, especially the watermelon! Yes, Katie, SWEET, JUICY WATERMELON! So scrumptious, I ate two heaping plates full of it! We played Bocce too, that game with the heavy balls and you have to try to throw your heavy ball next to the little white ball. At night we set off fireworks and watched them! If the 4th of July was always like this, I wish it would come every month!
1 comentario:
I too really like the symmetrical photo!
I also like that Baxter the basset hound looks so pitiful in all of the photos, but maybe that is because he is a baxter hound. I'm sure that he is having a lovely time inwardly.
Who is Peter? He seems like an adventurous kind of guy. Kinda like Chaos is an adventurous sort of dog.
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