lunes, 17 de marzo de 2008

Saturday at the Dogpark

KATHRYN'S HOME!!! Just in time to avoid the crazy tornadoes in Georgia! On Saturday I got to meet her puppy named Georgia for the first time! This puppy is SOOOOOO cute! She is such a good dog! Peter came with us. Miguel and his brother Ivan came too because they had soccer games that afternoon and the dogpark is at the soccer fields.

We saw tons of cute dogs there, like a chocolate lab puppy named MOOSE!!! There was also this gigantic mop of a dog named Heavy. He ran around trying to tackle everybody, in a nice way. Georgia and Moose were probably the cutest ones there!

Kathryn was all proud of the fact that her puppy was the only one running around and NOT panting. I guess that means...well...actually I don't know what that means. But Kathryn was awfully proud of it!
This picture here has to be the funniest picture of Kathryn I've ever seen. I guess she's predicting the imminent danger of being tackled and/or being sat on by the mop of a dog, Heavy. Look at Kathryn's face!

1 comentario:

. dijo...

hahahahahahahaha I LOVE IT!!!!!

And in my defense, we were constantly in danger of mop dog....despite his innocent, friendly intentions...someone could get lost in that mess and we'd never find them again! Especially someone little like Miguelito! :)