GUESS WHAT EVERYBODY!!! HAMMY'S BACK!!! I found him tonight at school at 8:32 PM! I went in to my classroom to drop off some stuff and I noticed that the corner of a bag of hamster food that was laying on the floor had been chewed and a little food was spilling out. That meant Hammy was somewhere in my room! (I had envisioned him somewhere lost in our gigantic school by now, getting beat up by mean wild mouse bullies, struggling to survive.) So then I went on a massive hamster hunt and....I still couldn't find him. Finally I noticed that a cabinet was cracked open, which isn't unusual with all the kids opening cabinets, but still I thought "maybe...just maybe..."
So I opened t

he door -
CREEEEEEAKKKKK - and I noticed a little stash of
HAMSTER FOOD hamster food hamster food hamster food (echo voice). Then I took out each item one at a time. You wanna know what happened next? You really wanna know what happened next? Are you SURE you wanna know what happened next?
I SAW HAMMY IN THE CORNER!!!! YAY HAMMY'S BACK!!!! Oh now my weekend is so much better...I was so sad before.
YAY FOR HAMMY!!! I just took these pictures of him to prove that he's back!
3 comentarios:
yey for Hammy!!!! I TOLD you he'd come back for food!! He he he! :)
I think Hammy is a real cutie.
I promise I will not do evil experiments on Hammy next time I happen to meet him.
Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah for Hammy!
Thanks for not doing evil experiments on him! I'm sure there's not that much exciting happening inside that fur anyway - he's a slow sort of hamster. :) But we still love him!
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