domingo, 18 de febrero de 2007

Snowboarding in Paradise

Wintergreen was sweet on Saturday. The sun came out a little bit, and it started snowing! It was really crowded but we were able to find a couple of slopes that didn't have anyone on them! My friends, Alicia, Ann, and Eun, were with me and we got to ride down almost every slope on the mountain!

Alicia and Eun snowboarded for the first part of the day and then skied for the rest. It was Eun's first time snowboarding!

He did really well for his first time! In fact on his second run, he made it all the way down to the lift without falling! I'm not sure exactly how he did it, but it definitely worked. I think he should patent his strategy and sell it to millions.

After snowboarding and skiing, we went to Cheeseburger in Paradise to eat dinner. We were STARVING and it was a long wait at first. To pass the time, we found one of those things with all the pegs and you can make your hand print and funny faces and stuff. Here's Eun's face. Scary.

Alicia making a boat picture. It was quite a masterpiece. She should really consider going into poke art as a career.

Eun tried to make weird pictures. Like he wanted us to guess the word "SILLY" by making a combination of a sunflower and a lily. Needless to say, none of us were able to guess that one. :)

This is us in front of Cheeseburger in Paradise!

1 comentario:

. dijo...

Wow, yall are all bundled up like it was cold or something. hm..
