This week was a crazy week at school! On Wednesday it was International Talk Like a Pirate Day and on Thursday Mr. Rough (another second grade teacher) brought in a bunch of eggs to put in an incubator so the kids can watch baby chicks hatch! On Friday we had Geography Day where we did geography stuff all day long! In the morning the kids had to go on a treasure hunt around the school using a map and clues. Then they decorated cookies that were in the shape of the United States of America. They had to put on all the features of the USA that we learned about. They used big chocolate chips for the Rocky Mountains and little chocolate chips for the Appalachian Mountains. Blue Twizzlers or Air Heads work great as the major rivers! Finally in the afternoon, we put together a giant puzzle of the United States. Each kid had picked one state to research and then colored the puzzle piece of their state. We went outside on the field to put the whole thing together! The kids were wound up all day but it was so much fun!
Oh and guess what else happened on Friday! Collin came back to school!!! He stayed the whole day! You'd never know that he was just hit by a car a week ago!
4 comentarios:
Sounds like an awesome day. PTL about Collin coming back! Miraculous.
I know!!! I couldn't believe it when I walked in to his class and he was there!! Amazing!
Hey! I don't see Sweden on that map!
hahahaha trust me, my kids know where sweden is! i make them find it on the world map and they have to tell me why sweden is important to the world.
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