On Friday, right after the night at Triple C with the 5th graders, we went

on a field trip with the second graders to see the James River and the Appalachian Mountains! It's part of our geography unit for the kids to know important features of Virginia, so instead of just talking about it in the classroom, we decided to take the kids TO the features! They used maps of Virginia to find the James River and trace it from the Atlantic Ocean all the way past Lynchburg. They drew maps of what they saw as well!

After we left the James River, we drove up to the top of Carter Mountain apple orchard to eat lunch and show the kids the Appalachian Mountains in the distance. We could even see our school from up there! It was really cool to show them what Charlottesville looks like from a bird's eye view! After lunch, the kids each got to pick an apple from the orchard and then we took the apples back to school to eat! They were the juiciest, most delicious apples ever! In fact, one kid put his straw from his juice box right through the apple and drank the juice out of it

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