viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2007

New Prayer Request

Please everyone, a new need has come up! It is very urgent! A little guy from my class who I've grown really close to over the past year had a really bad accident yesterday morning. He and his mom were trying to walk across the street on a major road at 10:30 AM and an SUV going full speed hit them. They're at UVA hospital and the 8-year-old child is very stable, not nearly close to 100% but he's very stable. His mom needs a lot of prayers though! She's in much worse shape. I spent all evening and night at the hospital with them last night and I'm heading to school now, so please pray for them. Please.

2 comentarios:

Hennyfair dijo...

Wow. That's crazy. I am praying, for sure. In fact, I was just watching something or other on TV and glanced up when some lady was hit by an SUV. I was like, "What the....!" I mean, it was just a TV show, but it was such a powerful scene that it really caught my attention. I can't even imagine that happening in real life. Terrible. Again, I'm praying! Right now....and then later, too.

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...

Although of course these situations are SO difficult, I am SO glad God has placed YOU in these situations so that He can use you and shine through you.

I will pray for you, that God gives you the words and the strength to help others through such tough times!