lunes, 30 de junio de 2008


Tonight was a BREAKTHROUGH in my life!!! I learned how to do something that I've been wanting to do for almost 29 years! After many years of trying and watching other people do it with ease, I finally conquered the art of BLOWING A BUBBLE WITH GUM!!

I DID IT!!! I can now blow a bubble! I am so proud! I spent 5 hours tonight chewing bubble gum and blowing bubble after bubble! Now my tongue is sore and my cheeks hurt. BUT I CAN BLOW A BUBBLE!!!! HALLELUJAH!

3 comentarios:

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon dijo...

Man, I had no idea you couldn't do that, after over 15 years of friendship!

I wonder if there is something like that about me that you didn't know?!

I can't dive! Did you know that?! I don't like asparagus...Did you know that?!

. dijo...

Good job you little bubble blower you!

:) hehehe

I can only do reallllly small ones.

I can't snap really...and my whistling is bad.


Hennyfair dijo...

Awesome! Congrats! :)