HE GOT THE AUTOGRAPH!!! We went to another Braves game today and we got there 2 hours early so we could see the batting practice! Miguel was so excited to get a player to sign his ball! Finally one of the Braves did! All of the opposing team, the Brewers, were signing balls on the other side of the field and I asked Miguel if he wanted to go over there to get signatures. He said simply, "No." I asked him why not and he said, "Because they're not the Braves." I informed him that even though they weren't the Braves, they were still a professional MLB team and had good players. He said, "No. I only want the Braves." I have to admit, I admire his loyalty. So then he asked to go out to left field to see the Brewers warming up throwing to each other. I told him he could and handed the ball and black Sharpie to him just in case he changed his mind about getting the autographs from the line of Brewers players on that side of the field.
Well, he promptly walked past the entire line of players, ignoring them completely and went to watch the guys throwing. He stood there for about 20 minutes watching and finally threw his ball out to one selected Brewers player to get it signed. He then ignored everyone else and walked back to me. I asked him why the change of heart for the one Brewers player. The answer? "Because he can pass really good!" So congratulations Brewers player - you've passed Miguel's test of throwing!
So he has one side of the ball signed with the Braves player and the other side for the Brewers player. He describes it as the "good side and bad side".
The Braves won 4-2 and we got free big bobblehead doll figurines at the beginning of the game! All in all, a great game!
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