Happy birthday to Mommy!
Happy birthday to my mommy!
Happy birthday to Mommy!

We went to Chili's to eat dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday! She turned...I don't know how many years...I stopped counting after 36. My sister Cameron and my nephew Leland came too!

We had a great dinner and my mom got a lot of great presents! She got some floating chair lounges for the lake at their house! And she got a gift card to Guadalajara for dinner and a gift card to have her Suburban washed with a premium wash - inside and out! She got a book and a trip to see the Roanoke Island Festival when we go to the beach in July (it's kind of like Jamestown). My stepdad gave her a beautiful diamond necklace!

It was a great night, after a great day! (I got stung by a bee on my foot early this morning so my foot has been swollen, itchy, and painful all day, but everyone else managed to get through Friday the 13th without injury.) Hopefully I'll be able to walk normally tomorrow! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!
Oh yeah and that cake that you see at the top that looks like a watermelon? It actually tasted like watermelon too! It was SOOOOO good! A watermelon cake! Who would have thought! Too bad Katie's not here tomorrow for her birthday cuz that's the cake I would get her!

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