I started to think about how God could create these perfect little flowers, that close up to the darkness of night, but stand wide open in the sunlight, bathing in the glory, unafraid and unhindered. How can it be that He would put so much beauty in to creating something so temporary, something that is here today and gone tomorrow. Interesting
how God created these flowers to close to darkness, yet open to light.
That led me to imagine the infatuation that God has with us. That he loves to spend his day gazing at me, and you, and all of us, just as I was spending mine gazing at these flowers. How can it be that God sees me as beautiful and worthy of His affection?
we really knew who God was, we would never stop praising Him. Oh that I could know Him more and more. Oh that I would become as infatuated with Him as He is with me. Oh that I would gaze at Him, meet with Him, spend time with Him, like I do to flowers, a mere fragment of His glorious beauty. Oh that I would never stop praising Him. Never stop.
2 comentarios:
You are, like, the most awesomest photographer ever! Your pictures always look like their from some pamphlet on like horses or hot air balloons or whatever else. Meanwhile, this post reminds me of a science textbook or a calendar. Very nice!
Hahahaha thanks for the compliment but it's sadly not me. It's the camera. Have you heard of the Nikon promotion that they did in Georgetown, South Carolina. Nikon gave away 200 D40's to normal people in the town that is now called Picturetown. They were proving that anybody can take amazing pictures with the right camera. Here's the website that tells more about it:
Granted I don't have a D40...but I have a D70s and that's just as good! Plus the hot air balloon picture I didn't actually take. The others, yes, but not the balloon.
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