So the flowers in my garden are going nuts. Must be all the rain we've gotten. It's definitely not me. I have not picked up a watering hose in about 2 months. And I'm really excited because some flowers that I planted last year that were supposed to just be the one-year flowers (what are those called again? annuals?) actually came back this year! Woo hoo for extra flowers!
It's nice to see flowers after the crazy mind-numbing work I'm doing this week. In an effort to continue my "get out of debt" plan, I've

been taking on extra jobs at school...any committees that will pay me. This week I'm on an assessment team that has to evaluate 700 different test questions (I'm not exaggerating either. It's actually over 700.) The only awesome thing about it is that Mr. Wayne (remember my hero? see blog below if you've forgotten) is on my team so I get to talk to him about science stuff!
I took Chaos to the dogpark tonight with a bunch of my friends who I work with at my school. They ran and I skated for 3 miles. Even Chaos was going slow at the end. Back to Day #4 of staring at the computer screen tomorrow...
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