viernes, 1 de junio de 2007

6 days to go...

Including today we have SIX DAYS LEFT until the end of school! It's so close... Of course I'm always excited for summer vacation, just like everybody else. But I'm always sad, knowing that my kids aren't my kids anymore. Moving up to third grade is such a big step and they are ready, but it's so sad to think that in August the bell will ring and I won't see their faces coming through the door. That's the part I don't like about the end of school.

Last night we had a ball game, but we lost. It was a pretty even game, but we made two mistakes that cost us that same amount of runs. Today's my sister, Cameron's, graduation! We're heading off to Harrisonburg tonight to see her! Have a great Friday everybody!

1 comentario:

Hennyfair dijo...

Oh my! You still have SIX DAYS! I'm in full vacation mode already. I'm sorry you'll miss your kiddos. I can relate (most years). The good thing is that you always get more and are always blessed in new ways by the little darlings! Good luck making it through these last days!