This picture is from my friend Ebbe. He climbed a mountain in Virginia called the Priest - it's the hardest climb in Virginia.
Guess what! I found my taekwondo uniform! This is actually a pretty noteworthy event because it's been missing since September. I've been just wearing my old uniform from my first degree black belt instead, but I finally got my second degree belt and uniform back!!!! I got to wear them for the first time tonight at taekwondo class and that made me so excited... until I had to spar the head instructor who is a 4th degree black belt. In defense of my poor display of sparring ability when fighting my instructor, he had already made me spar 6 other people in a row, BEFORE sparring him. So by the time he faced me and said "okay fighting stance" and it occurred to me what I was going to have to do, I was already about to drop on the floor in exhaustion. I got like 3 good shots on him, but that's nothing compared to the 864 shots he got on me!
oh yeah and I'm getting a new student tomorrow...so that will be exciting. I'm out!
2 comentarios:
Wow, what a picture!
I got a cool picture of my dad gazing at the Blue Ridge Mtns when we went up to Mutton Top with Jenny. I love the Blue Ridge!
Hey Beth it's Marco, can you view my blog www.HAHAHalow.blogspot.com
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