Although this has been a rough week, there have been some good parts too, like how my class has been studying dinosaurs and we made a full scale model of a Kentrosaurus. We

hung it from the ceiling in the hall and here's a picture of it. You can see the little water fountain in the background for scale. The Kentrosaurus was 5 meters long and 2 meters high. It was really cool studying the dinosaurs because we got to talk about measuring in meters (usually we just talk about it in inches and feet). We chose the Kentrosaurus because it had so many cool spikes. It's related to the Stegosaurus but the Stegosaurus is almost twice as big, at 9 meters long. We didn't have enough cardboard or a big enough hallway for that! It took us two days to make the Kentrosaurus. We made clay dinosaurs and we also learned about how dinosaur names are created and what the names mean. I was surprised at how well the kids remembered the meanings of many dinos' names, like pachycephalosaurus ("thick-headed lizard"), psittacosaurus ("parrot lizard"), and velociraptor ("quick thief"). They remembe

red lots of facts about them too, like how baronyx was the first dinosaur who fished and archaeopteryx was the first flying reptile with feathers. "Dinosaurs" is not part of our curriculum - it was part of a special thing we do several times a year called "Choice Week" where the kids get to choose what they want to learn about that's not related to the state-determined curriculum. It's amazing how much kids learn and how passionate they are when you let them learn what they want to learn! I, of course, enjoyed every minute of it since I'm a dinosaur lover at heart!
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