The instructor talked to the kids about having "strong mind" which means being able to focus even in the face of teasing or other distractions. It was really good and the kids seemed to understand that having "strong mind" means not reacting back to other kids picking on you or annoying you. I think I'm going to keep going with that idea during the remainder of the year because I have a lot of kids that annoy the other kids.
And on Tuesday, the little guy in my class (we'll call him Hernando) tested for his yellow belt! He got his first color belt and a medal! He was so excited! He forgot to put his seatbelt on when we got in the car because as he said, "I was so impressed with my yellow belt, I forgot!"
Then last night I worked out at Gold's Gym for the first time. I was so excited and I called my sister to tell her. Her reaction? "YOU'VE HAD A MEMBERSHIP TO GOLD'S GYM FOR FIVE MONTHS AND THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME GOING THERE? WHAT DO YOU HAVE A MEMBERSHIP FOR??????" I quietly answered, "the pool." I r
eally want to be able to do pushups because I feel ridiculous at taekwondo being a black belt and not being able to do pushups. My arms are just so weak. So back to Gold's I will go tonight and see if I can increase bicep curls from 2 pounds to 3. Just kidding. It's not quite that bad.
3 comentarios:
Wow, I sound like a really big meanie-butt! I didn't mean for it to sound so bad!! I am really excited for you!!! :) And I can't waaaaaait to see yall next week!!!
That was too funny KTice! A really big meanie-butt!
that made me laugh! :o)
Hahahaha I know you weren't being a meanie-butt! I thought it was funny, so that's why I put it in the blog! I find it kind of funny that I've had a Gold's membership for 5 months and have never really worked out there. Not funny ha ha, but funny weird.
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