Bored? Need something more exciting in your life? Do you fear the weekends because you have nothing to do? I have the answer that will change your life! PET STORES!
This weekend I was hanging out with my friends, Juan and Marco, and we were going to

see Night at the Museum except the line at the theater stretched all the way down the sidewalk in front of the theater (maybe about 70 people in line). We took one look at that and said, "Um, no." So to conquer our boredom while waiting three hours for the next movi

e to start, we decided to visit nearby pet stores. We enjoyed playing with (Juan considered it taunting) the kitties, testing out the kitty play towers for structural safety (they were very safe - we highly recommend them to anyone adopting a kitty in the future), trying out new identities such as "cowboy", and catching a brief nap before the movie started. We saw lots of cool animals like chameleons, ferrets, snakes, lionfish, and sugar gliders. We also saw enormous hairy tarantulas which I wanted to step on, but my foot wouldn't fit inside the aquarium. Why would any

one buy one of those? Finally we left when an employee told us the store was closed (although he didn't tell us this until he saw me hand Marco a horse whip thing for his cowboy impression - interesting that he chose that moment to tell us we had to go home).
We ended a fun night seeing the 10:00 showing of Night at the Museum, which was hilarious! Try it this weekend, an evening of pet shops and a movie!
2 comentarios:
Leave it to Beth to make a trip to a Pet Store "the-most-exciting-
event-of-the-month" for those two kids!
No, I am not sure why anybody would want to pay money to own a tarantula.
How fun! I took my niece to some pet stores recently because she LOOOOVVVVVESSSSSS animals! It was an "Aunt Jenny and Adria Day Out". (Ah, that was so fun...I miss her.) Oh, but anywya, so I knew a pet store could provide some good entertainment, but you took it to a whole new level! :) Thanks for the great pictures, too!
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