I think everyone's favorite animal should be a moose for several reasons. First, a moose has the best name of any animal. And saying "mooses" just makes their name even better. Adam definitely was on a creative streak when he was naming the deer family... I can see
him now with his arm around Eve pointing at the largest antlered animal on the planet and saying, "See that one, honey? That's a MOOSE. I thought of that one all by myself!"

Second, mooses are huge and powerful, but calm and humble at the same time. On Sunday, Andy Stanley said that power combined with humility is possibly the most powerful thing of all. What could be more powerful AND humble than a moose?
Third, their entire diet is twigs. What other animal eats twigs? They eat like 30 pounds of twigs a day, which calculates out to 3,000 bites of twigs every day. That could easily destroy a forest habitat by eating all the low branches off of trees and uprooting hundreds of populations of spiders, bugs, and worms that require branches, trees, and twigs for their habitat.

Fourth, mooses are brilliant. They DON'T destroy forest habitats because they know when to STOP eating and relocate to another part of the forest, giving the former section time to recover.
Finally, mooses can grow an entire set of exquisite antlers EVERY YEAR. I bet you can't do that. And neither can lions or stingrays or horses or manatees or cats or monkeys or any of your other favorite animals (unless your favorite animal is a deer or a caribou or an elk).
So as you can see, everyone should like a moose best of all. Little E has it right.
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