I would like to bring your attention to a few things. First I have adopted a new pet tiger named Matthias. He's very friendly and he wags his tail a lot. If you would like to feed him, just click on the "MO" which is supposed to say "MORE" but the word wouldn't fit. Then a piece of magically delicious red meat pops up and you can take the meat to Matthias. He'll chase you for the meat though, so watch your fingers when you click.

Also did you know there is a festival in Japan which involves Japanese guys riding on a ten-ton fir tree down a steep slope? And there's one in Taiwan where they shoot fireworks INTO the crowd to experience the joy of being pelted with stinging specks of fire. How come America doesn't have awesome festivals like that????
At church today we were talking about what heaven would be like. It sounds really cool - majestic and glorious, exciting and adventurous, but with none of the problems. Do you think there will be a Disney World there? Like how cool would that be...an awesome place like Disney World but with no lines and no admission fees!
My mind is on Mickey Mouse because I'm going to Florida in TWO DAYS!!! I'm going to go to Disney World...hopefully. My financial advisor, a.k.a. the infamous Mr. Braintwain, has encouraged me to not spend any money that I would not have otherwise spent in Charlottesville. Which means, no Disney tickets. But you see, Elias is going to be there... It's his first time... And the cutest kid on Earth in the greatest place on Earth... I can't miss that!
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