Even in the middle of loads of schoolwork and heated debates with professors, Kathryn managed to take me to visit River Street in Savannah, GA last night. It's right along the Savannah River (I think that's the name of it...) and it's still used by lots of cargo boats, tour boats, and ferries. We saw some really cute tugboats pulling huge cargo ships down the river. When I was a kid, I never thought tugboats were real. I thought they were just a

cute name given to little baby boats that were in stories. Before you think I'm crazy, you have to understand that the idea that a big massive ship needs a tiny little boat to pull it is sort of hard to grasp for a kid. Anyway here's a picture of an adorable little tugboat...although it kinda looks like it's about to sink... Are they supposed to look like that?

The streets are made out of original cobblestone and all the buildings are old stone and brick. They are really beautiful. Check out the stone surrounding this shutter on a window. I want a house built out of that someday!
There are tons of shops and restaurants along River Street and several of them are CANDY SHOPS! Okay so I don't like candy, but I love cookies and brownies and fudge and that's the kind of "candy" these shops make! They make it right in front of you too! And they even give you free samples of whatever they're making! I discovered that you can g

et a whole free cookie if you collect a free sample from every shop (your cookie will be much larger if your sister gets a free sample from every shop too and you make her give it to you to add to your cookie)! They had almost every kind of chocolate caramel covered apples you can imagine. Ones with sprinkles and pecans and white chocolate... I had to get one of those be

cause 2 years ago this kid in my class at school gave me a chocolate chip covered apple and I resisted eating it because it looked weird. Then one day I decided to give it a one-bite try and if it met my expectations for disgust, then it would go in the trash. So I bit into it... and it was the most magically deliciousest thing I've ever eaten in my life! I couldn't stop eating it until it was gone! I haven't found any of those chocolate chip apples since then, but this place was the closest! Kathryn found her own "chocolate heaven" because she loves marshmallows and the shop makes chocolate covered marshmallows! So she bought one of those!
The last cool thing we did before we went to FUDDRUCKER'S for dinner was visit the

"Echo Circle". It's this weird garden thing in the shape of a circle and if you stand in the middle of it, you can hear your echo - it sounds kind of like you're talking in a microphone in the shower or something and it's echoing all around you! It's so bizarre because it doesn't look like anything that would make an echo (not like a racquetball court or something). It just has these shrubs around you in a circle and it's not even closed off...weird. I mean look at the picture...sure you can't see all of it, but just the part you CAN see - does that look like anything that could make an echo???
1 comentario:
oh my goodness gracious all that talk about chocolate!
that thingy looked so scrumptious!
GOTTA have me one of those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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