martes, 10 de abril de 2007

Spiky, Spiky Pinecone

Reasons why Little E is the cutest kid on the planet:

1. He calls the fire department "fire bapointment".

2. When we passed Toys R Us I asked Elias if it was his favorite store. He said, "YES!! Well...actually that depends on payday."

3. He calls construction barrels on the side of the road "instruction barrels".

4. In support of his mom's bowling effort during a bowling trip last Saturday, he shouted, "Mom, that ball screamed like a flamin, flamin spaceship!"

5. He calls trucks with smiley faces on them "happy trucks".

6. He says his favorite animal is a moose! (No influence there. Really.)

7. According to him, the little thing that he's looking at in this picture is a "spiky, spiky pinecone".

Just try to say "spiky, spiky pinecone" without smiling.

8. When he put hand sanitizer on his hand, he had a cut on his finger and it stung. We told him that the stinging was the sanitizer killing the germs. He smiled and said, "Goodbye germs!"

9. At 9:30 at night when he still hasn't managed to fall asleep, he comes downstairs with a pitiful little face and says, "I'm trying to sleep but my body wants OJ and mac and cheese."

1 comentario:

Hennyfair dijo...

Ah, now that's too cute!

So who is "Little E"? Like, is he related to your or what?