I was able to spend a lot of time with Grandma and Grandpa today, talking, telling stories, smelling flowers, writing a story on the computer, and hunting for Disney postcards (which apparently are only sold on Disney property in case you're ever looking for some).
Grandma's flowers are beautiful! Her gardens are so well taken care of and all the blooms are spectacular! We went on a

trimming spree and started trimming everything in sight! Grandpa got tired of having to plug and unplug the weed whacker and hedge trimmer every time he moved another 20 feet around the house (the gardens surround the house), so the amazing inventor found an easier way to do it. At 85 years old, he attached an inverter to the tractor which allows him to plug the trimmers directly in to the tractor. Then he just drives the tractor around and trims with the weed whacker as he goes! He even attached a handle to it so he can hook the hedge trimmer to the tractor. Then he doesn't even have to carry it around the yard. AND he inserted a cigarette lighter in to the tractor so that if he ever needs to take an oxygen tank with him when he's mowing, he can plug it in to the tractor!

The funniest thing that happened today was when we drove by Sea World to take a picture of the sign. (Background info: the Sea World sign is located on a busy intersection with no place to stop. If you want a picture, you must take it as you drive by.) We however, did not want a drive-by picture. We wanted a "stand next to the sign and smile" picture. So what did we do? We stopped. We got out. Grandpa and I started taking a picture next to the sign. And Grandma took off in the car. (Background info: Grandma was not supposed to take off in the car. She was supposed to stay in the parked car and wait for us.) So as Grandma drives off into the distance, Grandpa and I are like, "Um, where is she going?" So we start "running" after her. Next we see her backing up back towards us. Then she starts going forward away from us.

Then she backs up. Then she goes forward! Grandpa shouted, "DOT! What are you doing????" Finally she stopped and let us get in. We asked her what she was doing and she said she thought she was supposed to turn around to pick us up, but when she tried to turn around she saw it was a one-way road and she was going the wrong way, so she got freaked out and couldn't figure out what to do! I laughed and laughed! We managed to get some pictures though and nobody got hit by oncoming cars!
5 comentarios:
Hi Beth's Grandma and Grandpa!
You two are such wonderful people!
I wish I could come see you again sometime!
I just showed this comment to my Grandma and she said, "Ohhhhh Katie!" I told her you were coming back to visit in June and she said, "Ohhh tell her that she has to come down and have some fun at Disney!" So I'm passing along the message! Maybe we can make a Disney trip with your kiddo some day!
Hi Grandma and Grandpa! I did some gardening today tooooo! But then I remembered I am leaving for Virginia in about two weeks, so I don't know why I just spent all that money on plants! I was thinking about you (Grandma) garden and trying to remember what flowers would work, as I figured if they worked there, they would work here too. The store didn't have a very good selection though. That's what happens when you live in rural South Georgia. So I got vegetables! Lots of them! Tomatoes, peppers, squash, thats about it. So I guess really its not that many. I got packets of seeds too, but I didn't plant them because at that point I remembered that I was going to be going to Virginia soon. The puppy tried to help, but she wasn't very interested! Grandpa's inventions sound amazing, though not surprising seeing as how smart he is and he's always doing those kinds of cool things. Wow....this is a long message! Ok! Bye!
Sea World is my favorite to. I was there in 98 and I realy liked it. But I don't like Disney World so musch...
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